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San Diego CA Rare Treasured Flagstone
Flatbed Loaded With Three Rivers Flagstone.
The customer had been looking for this material through all of the local San Diego sources for before finding us on the internet. He received a sample photos, approved and had the material on site in about a week. It was needed for the patio area around a new pool, the swimming pool construction was able to begin with the stone on site.

The Idaho Three Rivers Quarry closed in 2009 all of its assets were auctioned off and it was thought there was no more of its unique lavender and grey flagstone available anywhere. After a week of phone calls we tracked down about 24 tons of this rare stone at a small supply yard, last of its kind. We arrange for flatbed from Northern California to Alpine, San Diego County CA
Our standard payment terms are payment in advance of materials and transport and sometimes COD.
Net 15 and 30 day terms are available for commercial accounts on approved credit or preliminary lien information.
Flatbed Loaded With Three Rivers Flagstone